*Applications Accepted on a Continuous Basis* Community and Economic Enhancement Grant Program Proposition 68 – Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
Who is Eligible

Public agencies and nonprofits.

What it Funds

Recreation and tourism, historic and cultural preservation or environmental education projects that benefit Delta communities in order to sustain the Delta’s heritage and enhance the unique values of the Delta today.

When to Apply

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis.

Available Funds

$8.7 million remaining funds are available.

Award Size

To be determined

Level of Effort to Apply

To be determined

To be determined
Measure Q Urban Open Space Grant Program – Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority
Who is Eligible

Local public agencies, schools and school districts, and nonprofits.

What it Funds

Projects that bring nature to urban areas through one or more of the following categories: environmental stewardship and restoration; parks, trails and public access; environmental education; urban agriculture/food systems.

When to Apply

The most recent application closed in July 2020.

Available Funds

$1,000,000 (2020).

Award Size


Level of Effort to Apply

To be determined

To be determined