Projects which result in greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions and include at least one of the following activities: tree planting, shade tree planting that reduces building energy use, or construction of bicycle paths or pedestrian facilities that reduce commuter vehicle miles traveled. Examples of eligible projects include:
Establishment, enhancement, and expansion of neighborhood parks and community spaces.
Greening of public lands and structures, including schoolyards, and which may include incorporation of riparian habitat for water capture and provide for other public and wildlife benefits.
Green streets and alleyways.
Non-motorized urban trails that provide safe routes for travel.
Urban heat island reduction and energy conservation.
Project Size/Cost
Large Projects:
30 Awards, ranging from $900,000 – $5 Million (2017)
Medium Projects:
5 Awards, Ranging from $400,000 – 700,000 (2017)
Small Projects:
4 Awards, Ranging from $100,000 – $200,000 (2017)
Applicants are encouraged to submit a one-page concept proposal to help determine if the project is a good fit for the grant program prior to completing a full application.
The program sets targets to fund disadvantaged and low-income communities. In the most recent round, targets include: 60% percent to projects located within and benefitting disadvantaged communities (CalEnviroScreen 3.0); 10 percent to projects located within and benefitting AB 1550 low-income communities (at or below 80 percent of the statewide median income); and 5% to projects located within and benefitting AB 1550 low-income communities within a half mile of a disadvantaged community.