The Urban and Community Forestry Program provides grants for three project types: Expansion and improvement, management activities, and urban wood and biomass utilization. Click on the drop-down menus below to learn more.
What types of projects will it fund?
Urban tree planting and planting of urban vegetation to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Tree and plant establishment care.
Planting site preparation.
Innovative urban forest site improvement to create larger, more functional planting sites for trees and associated vegetation such as bio-swales, urban forestry education centers, edible landscaping and/or community gardens and orchards.
Funding for the purchase of a small, vacant property or properties from a willing seller or sellers to be repurposed for a use consistent with the CA Urban Forestry Act and resulting in a net GHG benefit.
Urban forestry job creation and job training.
Climate change adaptation strategies while also resulting in a net GHG benefit.
Grant Award Amounts
$1.5 Million
What types of projects will it fund?
Tree inventories.
Urban forest management plans.
Other policies, plans, or ordinances that are urban forestry-related.
Tree planting (required) and associated activities.
Education and outreach activities.
Mapping and analysis to inform the other mentioned activities.
Grant Award Amounts
$1.5 Million
What types of projects will it fund?
Costs associated with urban wood and/or biomass operations and program administration.
Urban tree planting and planting of urban vegetation to reduce GHG emissions.
Tree and plant establishment care.
Planting site preparation.
Educational and/or marketing costs not to exceed 20% of the budget.
*Trees that are utilized must not have been removed solely for the purpose of utilization; there must be another valid management objective behind the removal of the trees. Projects will use urban woody biomass for its highest and best use, thus diverting it from the urban waste stream.
Grant Award Amounts
$1 Million
Nonprofits cannot apply for an Urban Forest Management grant, although they can partner with a city, county, or district as a partner on an application.
Grants will pay up to 75% of the project cost and require a minimum 25% match, which can include in-kind activities and materials, and/or other funding sources.
The grant is payable on a reimbursable basis. Advance payments may be considered for nonprofits only in cases of hardship, and where the project is located in and provides direct benefits to a disadvantaged or low-income community.