Rail and bus capital projects.
Intercity, commuter, and urban rail projects that increase service levels, improve reliability, or decrease travel times.
Rail, bus, and ferry integration implementation (e.g., integrated ticketing and scheduling systems).
Bus rapid transit and other bus and ferry investments.
Project Size/Cost (2018)
Large Projects:
9 projects awarded between $50 M and $763M
Medium Projects:
14 projects awarded between $10M and $50M
Small Projects:
5 projects awarded <$10M
At least 25% of program expenditures are targeted to benefit disadvantaged communities.
TIRCP is funded through Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) and auction proceeds from the California Air Resources Board’s Cap-and-Trade Program. In 2015, 14 projects were awarded a total of $224 million. In 2016, 14 projects were awarded a total of $391 million. In 2018, 28 projects were awarded a total of $6.5 million.
Some funding may be provided for small-scale demonstration projects with great potential for expansion. Projects may include novel approaches to attracting new riders such as smartphone mobile ticketing or other platforms to reduce ticketing transaction costs or to test a concept related to integrated ticketing, intercity rail or transit effectiveness or operational planning as a component of the capital investments in improved, expanded, and/or restructured service designed to increase ridership in a cost-effective manner.