Building new bikeways and walkways.
Improving existing bikeways and walkways.
Building or improving pedestrian crossings.
Traffic calming projects.
Installing traffic control devices to improve the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists.
Establishment of a bike share program.
Street crossing enhancements.
Project Size/Cost
$20 million
$1 million
Applications for active transportation projects that do not include an affordable housing component are typically not competitive.
Historically, most applicants have been developers of affordable and mixed-income housing, local governments, regional transportation agencies, and public transit providers. Applicants are also welcome to submit joint proposals to co-develop a project.
Emphasis on greenhouse gas emission reductions.
The application process is very complex.
Funding for programs including education, outreach, and training for active transportation may be funded for up to three years, not to exceed 30% of total grant (up to $500,000).