In Cycle 4, there are five different applications. There are three applications for infrastructure-only or infrastructure/non-infrastructure combination projects, depending on the scale of the project, an application for non-infrastructure only programs, and an application for plans. Click on the drop-down menus below to learn more.
What types of projects will it fund?
Building new bikeways and walkways.
Improving existing bikeways and walkways.
Eliminating hazardous conditions on existing bikeways and walkways.
Preventative maintenance of bikeways and walkways.
Installing traffic control devices to improve the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists.
Safe Routes to School and Safe Routes to Transit projects.
Secure bicycle parking.
Establishment or expansion of a bike share program.
Recreational trails and trailheads.
Project Size/Cost
Large Infrastructure or Infrastructure/Non-Infrastructure Combination Projects:
$7-$20 million
Medium Infrastructure or Infrastructure/Non-Infrastructure Combination Projects:
$1.5-$7 million
Small Infrastructure or Infrastructure/Non-Infrastructure Combination Projects:
$250,000-$1.5 million
Application Questions Required for Large Projects (link currently unavailable)
Application Questions Required for Medium Projects (link currently unavailable)
Application Questions Required for Small Projects (link currently unavailable)
What types of projects will it fund?
Development and implementation of bike-to-work or walk-to-work school day/month programs.
Conducting bicycle and/or pedestrian counts, walkability and/or bikeability assessments or audits, or pedestrian and/or bicycle safety analysis.
Conducting pedestrian and bicycle safety education programs.
Development and publishing of community walking and biking maps, including school route/travel plans.
Development and implementation of walking school bus or bike train programs.
Targeted enforcement activities around high pedestrian and/or bicycle injury and/or fatality locations.
School crossing guard training.
Project Size/Cost
Available Funding for Non-Infrastructure Programs:
$250,000-$1.5 million
Application Questions Required for Non-Infrastructure Programs (link currently unavailable)
What types of projects will it fund?
Development of a community-wide bike, pedestrian, safe routes to schools, or active transportation plan in a disadvantaged community
Project Size/Cost
Available Funding for Plans:
$250,000-$1.5 million
Application Questions Required for Plans (link currently unavailable)
50% of funds will be allocated competitively statewide; 25% must benefit disadvantaged communities.
Projects in communities located in larger urban regions (population over 200,000) that aren’t funded at the state level have a chance to get funding from the 40% of funds allocated to Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs); 25% must benefit disadvantaged communities.
Small urban and rural communities with populations under 200,000 will receive 10% of the funds; 25% must benefit disadvantaged communities.
Eligible applicants must have a Master Agreement with Caltrans.
Non-profit tax-exempt organizations are only eligible to apply for Recreational Trail Program funds.
Technical Assistance is available through the Active Transportation Resource Center
Important Links
California Transportation Commission (CTC) ATP Cycle 4 Webpage (link currently unavailable)
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) ATP Cycle 4 Webpage (link currently unavailable)